Halifax Commercial Solar Panel Installation, BIPV & Home Roof Solar. UK Wide Service For The Home, Residential Developments, Businesses, industry & Other Buildings.
Solar has come a long way since it was first installed on satellites in 1958. As our fossil fuels continue to deplete, having your own energy generation system is important. It makes total sense to install solar as a backup power system. Saving that energy for later in battery storage is also a great advantage. Advances in safe solar, inverter and battery technology make that possible.
Those who went on to the UK Feed In tariff (FIT) scheme in the early years between 2011 and 2015 will confirm how successful their solar systems have been. That can also be said for the many solar farm investors who established their installations in the same period. Even those with more recently installed solar, now have the benefit of 40 to 50% of the energy bill being covered and sometimes more. We have Client’s that are currently covering their entire energy bill.
Published statistics in 2018 indicated that over 65% of the UK public would like to install solar. We are finding that is increasing with the current energy crisis.