Booking / Legal Terms & Conditions of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture & G2Techk Solar Heating & Exteriors.


1. The role of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy is to assist the client with the first part of the project and or with consultation and design services and all administration services related to the project and this may be with the provision of a separate contract, and separate payment terms agreed between the client and The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy. The remaining part of a project is generally reserved for the Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture operation and for whom contract and payment terms are entered into with the client at a later stage on a separate contract. The same applies when later works are referred from or to G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy or work is deemed by ourselves as being the sole project of G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy, and or for its building and construction services.


2. The work in the first stage part of the project with The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy (and as determined by ourselves for Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy projects) involves initial showroom first contact consultation, or by way of telephone or video conference then collating a wide range of information needed from the Client, which include inspection, survey, photographic, measurements, planning considerations, architectural, structural and health and safety considerations and checks in regard to the kitchen, home, building premises, land, or site and any further consultations where required. This requires work and consulting time to be spent by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and this is all therefore a chargeable service.

3. The Client accepts that at all times, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not hold responsibility for, or liability for any planning matter,  planning consultancy work on behalf of the Client, planning applications, planning rejections, or any planning enquiries made by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and or the Client to any planning regulatory authority. Whilst The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy can assist the Client when requested, it is the Client’s responsibility to ensure whether planning and DNO permission is required for the project. The Client accepts that at all times The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not hold responsibility for or any liability for any DNO matter, DNO enquiries, DNO permission, DNO rejections, DNO Costs, DNO services, DNO  supply installation and their costs and for any DNO costs whatsoever or for any enquiries made to the DNO on the Client’s behalf by G2Techk and for any consultancy from G2Techk regarding DNO matters.


4. Any customer, client, contractor, architect, design firm, company, organisation, authority entity or individual booking the services of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, or by way of its sister operations Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy either or at our showroom, in the home, at premises, on site, over the phone or by video conference or by way of email, post, internet, website booking, social media or other form of communication, do so on the basis that the customer is immediately regarded as the ‘Client’ and hence in the rest of these terms and conditions the customer is referred to as ‘The Client’.


5. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy service is also available for projects where urgent structural and or maintenance is required and or where there are safety concerns regarding electrical gas & or utility services and or where separate contract design and consultancy services are required and or needed in advance of the main installation project. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy’s services will be required if the installed services (electrical, gas and or other utility services) within the client’s / customers property, building, room, boat, yacht, vessel or vehicle and or the building itself is more than ten years old, then this will require a separate technical site survey and meaning that further and on-going consultations will be required with the Client. This is also for the purposes of  insurance and safety risk. Consequently, the Client agrees to ensure that it does not hinder, prevent, or obstruct either Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy from referring The Client to the services of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and that The Client accepts that at all times, such a referral shall be the decision of The Kitchen Gallery Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy’s and not The Client’s decision.


6. At all times, the Client agrees that they will adhere to the requirements of clause 5 by allowing The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to perform its duties regarding Clause 5, this clause and any other clauses in these terms and conditions and those in any written contract or installation document. Irrespective of the terms of any written contract and or agreement between The Client and The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy, at all times and for any reasons whatsoever, when engaging the services of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy, the Client also agrees to honour in full all of clauses of  the terms and conditions of this website page and those of our privacy and cookies page on our website in full.


7. The Client accepts that in booking the services of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy that in any circumstances whatsoever, where a client has failed to allow The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to perform and or complete its duties related to clause 5 and all of the clauses in this page of this website and those of our privacy and cookies page, then the Client will be liable for all costs accrued by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy in pursuit of dealing with and administrating on any works or in relation to this clause and or as a consequence of the Client failing to honour this clause and or any other clauses of this website page.


8. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy will always take the time to try to fully understand the Clients requirements as well as project budget. The Client agrees that at all times the Client must clarify their budget for the particular project/s to enable The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy,  Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to complete its performance and duties in regard to design, work tasks and consultations to and to enable them to make the relevant recommendations to the Client for solutions that fall within the Client’s budget. Any delay caused by the Client in either not providing and or failure to finalise this information means that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy are not liable for that delay, and the Client accepts that in such circumstances the Client forfeits all rights to automatic refunds of fees, and or deposits as the Client will remain liable for any administration costs, charges, fees and working time costs, consultation and legal costs that have occurred and or been caused as consequence of that delay.  


9. The changing economy, Brexit and the effects of covid-19 pandemic have affected fabrication, manufacturing, and supply and demand. This has meant that businesses including The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and G2Techk Solar Heating must cover themselves for risk that seek to try to protect themselves from the reneging of payment by clients’ and customers and in the event where the Client or customer become insolvent and or are unable to pay for the services, solutions and installation that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating has been booked for, is administering on behalf of The Client and or has provided to The Client. With these considerations in mind, and due to our experiences since the business’ inception in 2003, we were professionally advised that these risks should be reduced and that our valuable time, bespoke design and consultation services and solutions should not be offered free of charge. This means that all The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy time and all general consultation, design and consultation services, solutions, general design work, surveys and any administration and services related to the project whatsoever are  non-refundable chargeable costs and fee-based services and that the Client books the services of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and G2Techk Solar Heating on this basis. At times there may be  an agreement with The Client that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy shall provide these services within a fixed cost basis within or part of a deposit payable in advance on a project, but where this shall apply and the terms relating to a fixed fee/ deposit basis will be referred to within the contractual documentation and or installation document that accompanies the project. 


10. With the above clauses in mind, The Client agrees that when booking the services of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy, The Client does so on the basis that our fees include costing for all general consultation, administration, marketing, design consultation, designing and or survey fees including all time spent with The Client at the Client’s home, property, premises, building, land, site, yacht, boat, vessel or vehicle or at the premises of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. The Clients accepts that these are all chargeable services at a fee rate of £300.00 per hour and at all times is fully recoverable from the Client. Therefore to save Client’s cost, the Client is advised that prior to entering any agreement that they make it clear to ourselves that they seek the fixed fee / deposit basis as referred to in clause 9 above. Failure by the Client to do so will automatically mean the Client accepts that the method of calculation for our services as described in this clause and other clauses within these Terms and Conditions will be at the rate referred to in this clause. 


11. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy will only consult with the client at the first attendance at its premises and or at the client’s home, property, premises, building, land, site, yacht, boat, vessel or vehicle on the basis that this is deemed as booking of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy (where the latter business’s services are required) and that the Client accepts that these are all chargeable services and fees to be written into the contract between the Client and The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy at the reported fee rate of £300.00 per hour. 


12. The Client accepts that at all times, our fees, any additional charges for any time spent on behalf of the Client on the project including specific to the project: administration, consultation, design services, survey, planning, DNO consultation, fabrication, costing and or where legal costs occur as a consequence of the project, and or where The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy have had to deal with the requirements and any conduct or actions of the Client on the project and that these costs in their entirety  can be recovered by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy from the any deposit, advanced fee and or charges paid by the Client and or that are written on any contract agreement or installation document. At all times, The Client remains liable for any additional fees, charges and costs that occur above any deposit, advanced fee or charges that the Client has paid to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy for any project specific administration, consultation, design services, survey, planning, DNO consultation, fabrication, costing and or where legal costs occur as a consequence of the project and costs that occur as a consequence of the conduct or actions of the Client on the project. 


13. As referred to earlier in these terms and conditions, The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy will only visit a client’s property, premises, home, building, land, site, yacht, boat, vessel or vehicle on the basis that from the moment of booking that service or visit, the booker of the service or visit is regarded as the ‘Client’ and that the time spent with G2Techk on the first service or visit even if booked by verbal means ( referred to as a verbal contract), or by way of telephone, email, letter, social media, internet, our website or written into an agreement or contract is regarded as a legally binding contract. The Client accepts that any time spent during the initial conference by telephone, video or by visit and or walk in at the premises of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy  is work time spent by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy is a chargeable cost at the rate of £300.00 per hour and that will be factored into the first part of the project service contract fee and or into any deposit should the Client comitt to the project.  


14. At all times, the Client accepts that all sketches, designs, CAD’s services, and solutions remain the sole property of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy until The Client has satisfied the business terms, requirements and payment terms of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to determine the nature of the works, meaning of the works and level of any services, works, solutions and of any contract entered into with The Client. Unless specifically referred to in any contract between The Client and The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, booked services do not automatically include design services. One such example would be where the Client requires consulting and pricing services only. In circumstances where the Client indicates it does not wish to continue the process with us during the initial consultation service then The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy shall only keep any fees and deposit funding for the time it has spent on the project to that point and reserves the right to make a charge for any potential lost business from other potential Clients whilst performing works for you the Client and for any materials, samples ordered or obtained during the project for the Client’s project and costs for any time spent with, for or by contractors of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy considering the Client’s project.


15. The Client accepts that design presentation is a condition of The Client providing the full information required by either or The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to enable The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to complete its design, administrative, safety, service and consultation tasks.


16. The Client accepts that at all times, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy has no liability to provide a service or provide refunds to the Client whatsoever in situations where the Client has failed to provide the full information or any part of that information to enable The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to complete those design, consultation, administrative, service, survey/s and consultation tasks and or where the Client has prevented and or caused delay in enabling The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to complete design consultation, administration, initial and follow up survey/s, service, general consultation, safety and or installation tasks and or where the Client’s conduct has led to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy having to carry out additional time spent on the project in administrative tasks, and or to seek and gain legal services, advice and assistance. 


17. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery kitchen Design , Interiors & Furniture & G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to withhold all its services, solutions and products and or designs and consultations where the conduct of the Client has affected the business of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and or caused loss of business to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or to Gallery kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or to G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy until such a time that The Client has rectified the matter in regard to the cause of the Client conduct, and compensated The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy ‘s where any loss of business has occurred as a consequence of the Client’s conduct.


18. On Booking the services and solutions referred to in these terms and conditions and throughout this website, The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy fees and charges are at a set at rate of a minimum £300.00 per hour with working time estimated at a minimum time allocation of between 30 hours to 50 hours of work for The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, a minimum of 50 hours for Gallery Kitchen Design & Interiors and a minimum of 60 hours for G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. The time allocation can rise beyond the estimates described in this clause for each of the three businesses, dependent on the specification of the project and the considerations referred to at each of the clauses above and throughout these terms and conditions, those in the booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website, and time spent regarding any contract and or installation document.


19. The Client agrees to pay in advance to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy a minimum of the equivalent of 30 hours of work and or to Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture a minimum of the equivalent of 50 hours of work and to G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy a minimum of the equivalent of 60 hours work at the rate of £300.00 per hour and that The Client remains liable for any additional time costs, charges, fees and service costs above the 30, or 50 or 60 hours  work as referred to in these terms and conditions, the booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website, and those in any contract agreement and or installation document can be clawed back from any deposit, fee, charges and or costs already paid by The Client.


20. The Client accepts that any contractual and additional fees, charges, deposits, and or costs that are paid and or that are identified on any contract and or any installation document are non- refundable in the event that The Client and or any person, persons, individual, legal firm, business, company, organisation and or entity connected to The Client has affected and or prevented or delayed the design, administration, safety requirements, service, consultations and or installation task of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and or where the Client and any person or persons, individual, legal firm, business, company, organisation and or entity connected to the Client has caused loss of business, directly or indirectly to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.


21. The Client accepts liability where the Client has breached the contract with The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. The Client accepts liability where The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy has suffered loss of business from and or because of the Client and or where the Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to the Client has caused loss of business from another existing or potential Client of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.


22. The Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to The Client shall remain liable for damages and compensation to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy where they have caused either loss of business to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and or where the Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company , organisation or entity connected to the Client have caused loss of business from another potential or existing client of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.


23. The Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company , organisation or entity connected to The Client remain liable for damages and compensation are found by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to have defamed the reputation of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and or in circumstances where the Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to the Client has not given The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy the opportunity to resolve any issues that may have occurred in the contractual process. At all times The Client is required to preserve the good reputation of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and the Client accepts liability to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy should The Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to The Client, breach this clause and where it is found that The Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to The Client have failed to preserve the good reputation of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.


24. On booking of the services of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy, at all times, the Client accepts their liability for contractual fees and charges and any additional fees, charges and costs at the rate of at least £300.00 per hour ( This may be higher dependent on the nature, specification and complexity of the project) and that the client is liable for payment of all contracted and any additional charges, fees and costs for all appointments, all general consultations, all administration, all design time, all design consultations, all research for the project and all meetings on site, at showroom and at or with and travelling to and from any fabricators, manufacturers and suppliers and this also includes any time travelling back and return to of and to and from the clients and for all meetings, time spent in office, on telephone calls, internet conference calls, emails, letters, and any time spent dealing with any form of administration or task that present itself as a consequence of the project.


25. The rate of £300.00 per hour shall also apply for any legal costs incurred by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and for all contractual and additional charges, fees and costs caused as a consequence of the Client’s requests, requirements and The Client’s conduct during the project or after and for contractual and additional administration, legal service, assistance and advice costs and any further consultation caused by the Client or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to the Client.


26. The Client accepts their liability for all contractual and additional fees, charges and costs at all times at the rate of at least £300.00 per hour ( this may be higher dependent on the nature, specification and complexity of the project ) for the cancelling of appointments and or services and or where the Client, and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to the Client causes the project to be put on hold, delayed and or where the Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to the Client or representing The Client causes the delay of or failure of the Client to make any contractual and additional payments owed to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.


27. The Client shall at all times remain liable for The fees and charges of £300.00 per hour for any administration time spent by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or by Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or by G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy for dealing with any banking, legal, paralegal or advice service matters related to the project and or as a consequence of the Client’s or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to the Client’s conduct or actions in the matter or project whatsoever. The Client accepts liability for the payment of all contractual and additional fees, costs and charges in full and even where there is delay to the services booked by The Client.


28. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to withhold any products, goods, services, designs, consultations, and or further consultations and or installation rights from the client in the event of failure by the Client to provide the design and budget information referred to in these terms and conditions and or on any contractual agreement and or where The Client has failed to perform to and abide by these terms and conditions, the booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website, and any terms and conditions on any written contractual agreement and or on any installation document. Full legal title and entitlement to those products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installation rights shall not pass to the Client until the Client has resolved these issues with and to the satisfaction of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy including by way of compensating The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. 


29. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to withhold any products, goods, services, designs, consultations and further consultations and installation rights from The Client where The Client or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to the Client has caused a loss of business or additional loss of business from another potential or existing client as a consequence of The Client’s conduct or actions or the conduct or actions of any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation, or entity connected to the Client. Full legal title and entitlement in those products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installation rights shall not pass to The Client until The client has resolved these issues with and to the satisfaction of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and until the Client has compensated in full and to the satisfaction of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.


30. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to withhold any products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installation rights from the Client where the Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to the Client has caused the project or projects to be placed on hold, delayed, cancelled. Full title and entitlement to any products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installation rights shall not pass to the Client until the Client has resolved these issues with and to the satisfaction of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and until the Client has compensated The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy for any delay or cancellation and to the satisfaction of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. 


31. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserve the right to withhold any products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installation rights from the client where any issues have occurred affecting The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy as a consequence of the Client’s conduct and actions and or conduct and actions of any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to The Client. Full legal title and entitlement in those products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installations rights shall not pass to The Client until The Client has resolved any issues with and to the satisfaction of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and until the Client has compensated The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and to the satisfaction of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. 


32. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to withhold any products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installation rights from The client where The Client any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to The Client has defamed the businesses and reputation of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. Full legal title and entitlement in those products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installations rights shall not pass to The Client until The Client has resolved any issues with and to the satisfaction of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and until The Client has compensated The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy for that defamation.


33. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to withhold any products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installation rights from The Client where The Client is in breach of these terms and conditions, in breach of the booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website, and any terms and conditions on any contract agreement and or installation document. Full legal title and entitlement in those products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and or installation rights of the Client shall not pass to The Client until The Client has resolved these issues with The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy including by way of compensating The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. 


34. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to withhold any products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installation rights from the client where the Client failed to attend an appointment or appointments, or where the Client is in breach of these terms and conditions and any terms and conditions on any contract agreement and or installation document. Full legal title and entitlement in those products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installation rights shall not pass to the Client until the Client has resolved these issues with and to the satisfaction of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and until the Client has compensated The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy for the missed appointment or appointments or for any loss associated to the Client’s breach of these terms and conditions, of this websites booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website and those of any written contract and or installation document.


35. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to withhold products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and or installation rights from The Client, where The Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation or entity connected to the Client has caused obstruction to or difficulties for The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. Full legal title and entitlement of those products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and or installation rights of the Client shall not pass to the client until the Client has resolved these issues with and to the satisfaction of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and until The Client has compensated The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. 


36. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserve the right to withhold any products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and installation from The client where The Client and or any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation, or entity connected to The Client has prevented either The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy from completing any part or all parts of its tasks on the project and or has caused The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to have to spend additional time seeking legal service assistance and advice. The Client shall be liable for  compensating The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery, Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy for any breach of this clause and such compensation must be to the satisfaction expectation of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. 


37. Full legal title and entitlement in those products, goods, services, designs, further consultations and or installation rights of The Client shall not pass to the client until the client has resolved any issues with and to the satisfaction expectation of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and until The Client has compensated The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to the satisfaction level required at the time by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and must also satisfy The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to the satisfaction level for time spent on seeking legal costs at the rates referred to earlier of £300.00 per hour, for the cost of legal services, assistance and advice and for the costs of legal representation in any court of law or mediation services in pursuit of acting on behalf of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy in relation to this project or any dispute caused by the Client and or caused by any person, persons, individuals, legal firm, business, company, organisation, or entity connected to the Client. The Client agrees that at all times, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy can appoint a mediator and or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) solution of its own choosing.


38. At all times, the Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy will not be liable for any consequential loss or refunds to The Client or legal costs of The Client whatsoever that may result from the services and solutions being delayed or not completed as referred to throughout these terms and conditions, or for the reasons referred to throughout these terms and conditions, in the booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website or in any written contract agreement or any installation document and for any legal costs of the Client as a consequence of dispute or  mediation or by way of the Client’s legal costs relating to any claim for defamation and or loss of business by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. Irrespective of any written contract or installation document, The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy shall be excluded at all times from any legal or financial liability to The Client whatsoever and for any reason pertaining to this clause and The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy shall be excluded from any legal or financial liability whatsoever and for any reason to The Client in regard to the contract, installation and performance.


39. Any description of the products, services and solutions and their effects is as is set out in the current descriptive literature issued by The Kitchen Gallery Kitchen Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. However, at all times  no additional representations, contract or installation document shall bind The Kitchen Gallery Kitchen Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and shall not in any way whatsoever render these booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website as void at any time. Any written contract or installation document and or installation document shall, at all times be entered into by The Client on the basis that they do so whilst fully accepting all the clauses, terms and conditions of this website in its entirety.


40. Products may vary slightly from their pictures. The images of the products in our brochure and on our website are for illustrative purposes only. Although we make every effort to ensure the colours are accurately represented, there may be minor variations and we cannot guarantee that a device’s display of the colours accurately reflects the colour of the products. Your product, fabrication or solution may vary slightly from those images. Although we have made every effort to be as accurate as possible, because our products and solutions are handmade, all sizes, weights, capacities,


40. Dimensions and measurements indicated in any brochure, image and or on our website or design or specification may vary and in regard to tolerances.


41. The type of specification, technical specification and arrangement of each item of service, solution and or material used in the service, solution, product and or any installation shall be as determined by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. The policy of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy is to develop and improve and therefore it reserves the right to vary the presentation,  service time, presentation time and date, design, specification,  plan or installation without prior notice to the Client. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to vary the time and performance of the services and solutions described in these terms and conditions, its booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website, and any written contract agreement or installation document for any reason whatsoever.


42. The Client accepts that if The Client wishes to make a change to the product or design once our service has begun, we will clarify either by way of email, or conference call whether or not the change is possible and what the changes to the price of the product, service and or installation  will be as a consequence of the Client’s requested change.  The Client accepts the volatility of market place costs of materials and logistics as a consequence of the economy, Brexit and as a consequence of the Covid 19 pandemic or any other future pandemic should one occur during the period of the contract between The Client and The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. Therefore, The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy shall be entitled to additional compensation from the customer should the price for any logistics  or materials whatsoever to be used on any project increases between the time the contract is signed and the materials for the project are purchased. In such a case, The Client shall pay The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy on request, all sums by which the cost of any item of materials or logistics has increased.


43. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not advise Clients to enter into any borrowing agreement for the Client’s project/s and it is at the Client’s own risk if they choose to seek such additional funding for the project/s and or service. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not accept liability whatsoever where any client has borrowed funding for any project. 


44. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy will always attempt to assist our Client to minimise where we can the effect of any delays that occur out of our control. However, The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not accept liability for any consequential loss of any description that may result from the service and or installation, (where there is one), not being delivered, delayed, or not completed on time, at all and or for whatever reason. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy does not accept liability whatsoever for supplier, fabricator and or manufacturer delays on materials, deliveries, or installations or for reasons of force majeure.


45. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not accept liability whatsoever for the structural condition or structural integrity of the Client’s home, building, premises, property, land, site, yacht, boat, vehicle or any item owned by The Client and or for the Client’s existing gas, water and utilities including all electrical circuits supply and cabling to and from the Client’s property, home, business, building, site or land and that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not accept liability for the Client’s on site appliances and fittings in their home, property, building, premises, site or land.


46. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy is not responsible for and accepts no liability for the condition or suitability of the clients existing structure, building, premises, property, land, site, facility, yacht, boat, vehicle, or item belonging , leased , rented or borrowed by the Client, where the installation and or service is to be carried out or for the service to be carried out related to and at all times these must be in good condition according to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy requirements. It is The Client’s responsibility at all times to determine that these are suitable for the purposes of any contract as written and in the event where The Client may be storing any component part, appliance, or equipment for the project to safeguard these from damage or theft. The Client accepts that G2Techk does not accept liability for damage to materials and or goods by the delivery, logistics and or transportation company firm or individual. However, G2Techk is happy to assist the client where any damages occur by submitting either verbal and or written representation to the relevant party on behalf of the Client.


47. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not accept any liability whatsoever where the Client or in circumstances where the existing Client or former Client, former home owner, former or current business owner, former or existing free holder, former or existing lease holder, former or existing land owner or former or existing renter of the home, business, premises, land or site have either performed and or commissioned additional works at the home, business, premises, building, land or site that have either made existing contractual or previous work to the home, business, premises, land or site by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy installations or by its contractors unsafe or where such works by another party or the existing Client or former Client, former home owner, former or current business owner, former or existing free holder, former or existing lease holder, former or existing land owner or former or existing renter has affected any warranties and or guarantees and or affected insurance risk and or health and Safety risk of either The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy or any other works carried out by any other contractor at the home, business, premises, building, land or site in question.


48. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not accept any liability whatsoever where The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy were not informed of any additional works by the existing Client or former Client, former home owner, former or current business owner, former or existing free holder, former or existing lease holder, former or existing land owner or former or existing renter and all referred to here had not commissioned The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to carry out those commissioned works and or were unknown to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy at the time of those works.


49. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy have no liability whatsoever for any works carried out at the premises, property, room, home, building, land, boat, yacht, vessel or vehicle prior to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy’s engagement by the existing client. This also includes where any existing or former Client, former or current homeowner, former or current business owner, former or existing free holder, former or existing lease holder, former or existing land owner or former or existing renter carried out those works independent of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. 


50. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy accept no liability whatsoever where sub-contractors are used for the purposes of The Client’s project either in part or whole and where the subcontractor is used in any capacity for the contract whatsoever. The Client accepts that it is the responsibility of the subcontractor to accept all liability in regard to any contract works carried out by the subcontractor in regard to the Client’s project and or for any advice given by the subcontractor to either The Client and or to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or to Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or to G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.


51. The Client accepts and agrees that at all times and in the future, The Client and the subcontractor shall indemnify The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy from any claims whatsoever made against The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy by The Client, the subcontractor and including any claim made by any party, other person/s, individual, organisation, business, company, entity, legal, government or local authority on any project advice or works regarding or related to The Client’s project and or for any consequences that occur as a result of works and or advice carried out by the subcontractor on The Clients’ project.  


52. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy have no liability for the performance of any supplied and or installed product or appliance whatsoever and or for any supplied and or installed heating or solar, wind or water energy generation system which are all reliant on the component parts of the manufacturer or for solar, wind or water energy generation system installed as such performance relies on weather and the Client accepts that with both solar, wind and water energy technologies and heating system the performance, reliability and longevity is subject to the manufacturers type of material used in production, specification, and natural aging and deterioration of component parts. We acknowledge Grandberg Sweden for their adapted kitchen mechanism’s where featured on this website.


53. Insofar as The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy is unable to source a particular item, component part, specific appliance/s, and or materials and or installation service, it reserves the right to replace it with an alternative equivalent in standard and value and to do so without prejudicing its contractual position and legal rights. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy will do its best to facilitate an alternative solution wherever possible but this is not a condition of the sale and or service of this contract.


54. The Client/s accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy is not responsible for and is not liable for the guarantees / warranties of any of its material, component and technology and appliance suppliers /manufacturers or for those supplied by any subcontractors, installers, fitting teams, fitters or contractor professionals, specialist workshops and or fabricator or services related to the contract with the Client and that any such issues shall be the direct responsibility of those relevant parties referred to in this clause and not The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. There will be workmanship/ installation warranty on any solution that has been installed and this will be referred to on the relevant documentation accompanying the installation. Any solar panel technology, includes standard manufacturing warranty and manufacturers performance warranty and any battery or other technical solution will also have manufacturers warranty with it too.


55. However, The Client accepts that where The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery Design, Interiors & Furniture agrees to assist The Client should any issue occurs with product, appliance, equipment, performance, warranty, guarantees and or advice and or works by any subcontractor, then it will do so by submitting either verbal and or written representation to the relevant party on behalf of the Client. If there should be any dispute in relation to guarantees / warranties and or performance of any of its suppliers /manufacturers, specialist workshops or fabricator or services related to, or in regard to works and or advice carried out by any subcontractor and in regard to subcontractor, warranty, guarantee of products and or the contractors or subcontractors liability, then The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery Design, Interiors & Furniture may do so without accepting any liability whatsoever attempt to assist the client by liaising with any suppliers /manufacturers, specialist workshops, fabricators, distributors and or subcontractors to try to help and assist the client with that dispute. At all times, this assistance is merely a gesture of good will by and where The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery Design, Interiors & Furniture agrees to assist and shall at all times not be a requirement or condition of the contract between The Client and The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Gallery Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.


56. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy have no liability whatsoever for any works carried out at the premises, property, room, home, building, land, boat, yacht, vessel or vehicle prior to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy’s engagement by the existing client. This also includes where any existing or former Client, former or current home-owner, former or current business owner, former or existing free holder, former or existing lease holder, former or existing land owner or former or existing renter carried out those works independent of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. 


57. Where The Client has booked and or ordered products and or materials for the purposes of an installation and or where a service is booked and or where an installation is booked, then The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy will do its best to organise delivery on the date specified, and such date of necessity will only be approximate and not a fundamental part of the service, contract, agreement, and or installation. The Client accepts that there shall be no time limit set for The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy or any contractors and or subcontractors to perform any of it services and or any installation. The Client accepts that The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy is not liable and accepts no liability for any inconvenience nor for loss whatsoever to the Client caused through such or any delays. 


58. If The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy is unable to meet delivery and or installation dates or any service as described in these terms and conditions, in the booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website and or on any contract or on a separate installation contract or service contract and or document, then The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy reserves the right to cancel this agreement without liability and by retaining any costs, fees and charges incurred as a consequence of any services, works carried out to date, despite any issue that may have occurred whatsoever, as referred to throughout the Terms and Conditions in this section of the website and or on any contract and or installation document.


59. The Client accepts that The Client shall remain liable for any costs incurred to and by The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy related to the project, or where The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy has had to spend time in dealing with the conduct of The Client, in preparing for and on administration in this event and or by way of either email, written, phone or conference call and or by way of any form of paperwork in the pursuit of dealing with The Client’s conduct and for the costs of where The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy has had to take legal advice, independent advice, and or seek alternative dispute resolution and or mediation services because of The Client’s conduct and or where The Client, any outside party or person’/s, legal firm or other service representing The Client causes The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy to seek legal advice and or independent advice or to seek alternative dispute resolution and or mediation services then all the costs referred to in this clause and throughout these terms and conditions, the booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website, in any contract and or in any installation document, then The Client shall indemnify The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy for all the costs, fees and any charges referred to in these terms and conditions, the general terms of conditions of this website, on any contract and or any installation document.


60. The Client agrees that at all reasonable times, they will provide access to the premises building, property, facility, existing structure, place, land, site, yacht, boat, vehicle, or item at which the solution and or installation and or service for and or for delivery of any products, goods and materials as described in this contract or any supporting document or installation agreement. The Client agrees to provide full access to toilet and hand washing facilities at all times during the completion of any project and during any attendance by ourselves  and to allow access for future visits for service checks, consultations and or any testing, health, and safety checks and if ever any remedial works are required. If you do not allow The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, and or Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and or G2Techk Solar Heating access to your property to perform the services as arranged (and you do not have a good reason for this) we may charge you additional costs incurred by us as a result. If, despite our reasonable efforts, we are unable to contact you or re-arrange access to your property, we reserve the right to rearrange the date of that service, solution or installation and alternatively we reserve the right to end this contract minus any fees and charges owed to The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and G2Techk Solar Heating as described in any contractual document or installation document and these legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies section of this website.


61. Security Notice: When entering the premises of The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture and G2Techk Solar Heating, you do so in acceptance that video & audio recordings may be in operation for the purposes of security, prevention or detection of crime, self-regulatory compliance, & to establish the existence of facts where needed. This security notice is clearly displayed on the front entrance door to the premises. 


62. At the clients’ first appointment at our premises and or on site, or in consultation, we shall refer the client to these booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website and on any written contract or agreement. At all times it is the Client’s responsibility to adhere by these booking terms and conditions / legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website and to any agreed contract and or installation document.


63. The booking terms & conditions / Legal terms and conditions described on this page of this website is considered to be part of the descriptive literature for the services, products, goods, transactions and or orders of 1.The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy, 2. Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture & 3. G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy and as referred to in any contract, agreement, installation document, transaction and or order. Any terms and conditions and any detail contained in and described on any contract, agreement, installation document, transaction and or order are binding on the businesses of 1. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy & 2. Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture & 3. G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy (wherever either of the three businesses are named on any contract, agreement, or installation document as the principal business in the document) but all are strictly subject to the Booking Terms and Conditions described on this page of this website. No contract, agreement, installation document, transaction, or order between any of the three businesses named in this Clause and their respective Client/s will supersede the Booking Terms and Conditions on this page and the general terms and conditions page of this website. 


64. Any terms and conditions and any detail contained in and as described on any contract, agreement, installation document, transaction and or order are binding on the Client/s and customers of the businesses of 1. The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy & 2. Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture & 3. G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy (wherever either of the three businesses are named on any contract, agreement, or installation document as the principal business in the document) but all are strictly subject to the Booking Terms and Conditions / legal terms and conditions as described on this page of this website. No contract, agreement, installation document, transaction, or order between any of the three businesses named in this Clause and their respective Client/s and or customers will supersede the Booking Terms and Conditions / legal terms and conditions on this page of this website. 


65. It is the responsibility of the Client/s and customers of any of the businesses (‘The parties’) referred to on this website and this website page to ensure they have referred to these Legal terms and conditions, privacy and cookies page of this website and it is also the Client/s and customers responsibility to retain the details of both when entering into any contract, agreement, installation agreement document, transaction and or order between the parties.



To book the consultancy service of G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy , please submit your details and information and stating the service you require on our contact page or care of our G2Techk email:

To book the consultancy service of Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy please submit your details and information and stating the service you require on our contact page or care of our consultancy email:

To book the consultancy service of Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture please submit your details and information and stating the service you require on our contact page or care of our email:


Privacy Policy, Cookies & Website Information

The policy, cookies and website information on this page of this website represent the three businesses of Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.



If you use special adaptive equipment to access the Web and encounter problems when using our site, please let us know. Write to us at the address on our contact us page and we will provide the information to you in an alternate format. It would be helpful if you can be as specific as possible when describing the information you seek. If you prefer to call, visit our contact page for the up to date telephone numbers.




Please note that Gallery Kitchen Designs, Interiors & Furniture , The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy & G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy:


a) uses reasonable care to make sure that the information appearing on this site is accurate and up-to-date. However, errors and omissions may occur and the website user should not take the accuracy of the information for granted but should check directly with us.


b) shall not be liable for any loss of profits or contracts or any direct, indirect or consequential loss, business interruption or loss of data or programs or arising out of or in connection with the use of the information either contained within this site or from any of its hyper link connections, other than death or personal injury to the extent that this is caused by the negligence of Gallery Kitchen Designs, Interiors and Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.


c) may also make improvements and/or changes to the content of this information at any time without notice. All services, product and product price specifications contained within the website are subject to change without notice.


No Warranties


Information provided on this website is provided as is without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, as such exclusions of implied warranties shall apply pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.




When booking a service or purchasing from either Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture,  or The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy or G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy please note that you do so under the following conditions: The energy performance for a new construction, post construction or existing building is determined by the material, fabric and structure installed by the appointed architect, contractors, construction company and or tradesmen that constructed and carried out works and services on your building.


The liability for the construction of any building, for its energy performance, general performance, installation of any system or product performance, defects, failures, mechanical, electrical faults, deterioration and condition of any system always remain with either the building architect, product manufacturers or the contractors and installers. Therefore the purchaser booking the service or purchasing the goods most note that Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy cannot accept liability for any building, energy performance of the building, energy performance of an installed system or product nor for the condition of any building at any time, the installation of any system or product, product performance, defects, failures, mechanical, electrical faults, deterioration and the condition of any system or product.


Where links are included on this website to third party websites, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy cannot and has not reviewed all pages of those sites linked to this site and therefore Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy cannot be held liable for the content of those linked websites. Where, if any links to other sites are included, users link to other sites at their own risk and use such sites according to the terms and conditions of use of such sites.


Any links,  or any photographs to any third party companies and or individuals on this website are provided to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link or photograph does not imply endorsement by  Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy or this website.


Copyright & Disclaimer


No part of this website may be copied or imitated in whole or in part. No logo, graphic, sound or image from this website may be copied or re-transmitted unless expressly permitted in writing by Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.  These prohibitions are without limitation to the legal rights of Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy, its manufacturers and its furniture makers or indeed any of its other suppliers. Any information provided to Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy in connection with its website shall be provided by the submitter and received by Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy on a non-confidential basis and Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy shall be free to use such information on an unrestricted basis.

In particular, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy may transfer information between our partners and or subsidiary companies in different countries both inside and outside the European Economic Area. Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy shall not be liable for moral, license and or copyright infringement compensation where authentication checks on this images may have been missed in regard to any inclusion of any images and or links to other websites through certain images and where any web designer or website engineer or web design company added any such content without the permission of Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.

Should such an incident occur then it is the responsibility of the owner of that image to inform Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy of that images location on the website and to request deletion of that image from said section of the website and to do so by giving 14 days notice to which the request for removal shall be duly and fully complied with. No new director, new owner, new shareholder shall be held liable for this website content unless the 14 day notice period has been correctly served on them as described in this paragraph, and then only if that removal request has not been complied with according to the information set out in this paragraph. Images on this website are included for the purposes of educational presentation relevant to demonstrating design , install and manufacturing process and thereby have no intent to infringe copyright.




The trademarks and logos (the Trademarks) used and displayed on this website are registered and unregistered trademarks of Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy. They may not be used in any advertising or other publicity materials in relation to the distribution of any information or materials obtained from this website without the prior written consent of the Trademark owner. (These prohibitions are without limitation to the legal rights of Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy.


Interruptions and omissions in service


Whilst Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy try to ensure that the standard of this website remains high and to maintain the continuity of it, the Internet is not an inherently stable medium, and errors, omissions, interruptions of service and delays may occur at any time. Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not accept any liability arising from any such errors, omissions, interruptions or delays or any ongoing obligation or responsibility to operate this website (or any particular part of it) or to provide the service offered on this website. Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy may vary the specification of this website from time to time without notice.


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Whilst Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy make every effort to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, some of the information is supplied to Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy by third parties and therefore are not able to check the accuracy or completeness of that information. Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy do not accept any liability arising from any inaccuracy or omission in any of the information on this website or any liability in respect of information on this website supplied by you, any other website user or any other person.


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The use of this website and any agreements entered into through this website are to be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. The courts of England are to have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the use of this website or any agreement made through this website.


Security Notice


Under The Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000, Section 3 a that when entering the premises of Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy & G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy, you do so in acceptance and acknowledgment that video & audio recordings are in operation for the purposes of security, prevention or detection of crime, self regulatory compliance, & to establish the existence of facts.


Privacy Policy

Collection of your data:


Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy may collect and you may give us information about you by filling in forms on this website, on exhibition enquiry forms or by corresponding with us by phone, e-mail, post or in person. This includes information you provide when you request a brochure, request a consultation, attend a consultation and enter a competition, promotion or survey. The information you give us may include your name, mail address, e-mail address and phone number, financial and credit card information when ordering, mobility description and requirements and for the purposes of administering and running this website, enforcing our rights and those of our licensors or for fulfilling enquiries, consultations, design, orders for any goods, products or services that we have agreed to supply and in regard to installation and project management.


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We may receive information about you if you use any of other websites we operate or the other services we provide through Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy or where we collected that data, please note that it may be shared internally and combined with data collected on this website.


Where Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy work with advertisers and such mediums that require data to select relevant adverts to you and other we will not provide them with identification information but we may provide them with aggregate information to help them target specific types of groups or to comply with their requirements in order to display their advertisement to that target audience. Where we work with third parties (including, for example, agents, business partners, sub-contractors in sales, technical, payment and delivery services, advertising networks, analytics providers, search information providers, credit reference agencies where there is the need for credit score or credit application where applicable) and may receive information about you from them for the purposes of your enquiry, appointment, consultation, order and or project management.


These companies only have access to personal information needed to perform their functions and may not use it for other purposes.  Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy will not share your data with any outside party not connected to ourselves for the purposes highlighted in this policy, on any of our websites and in any discussion with you. We will continue to protect your personal information we hold about you. Please note that this privacy policy does not cover other  outside of our control that link to us or that may be controlled outside of British legislation and or that of The European Economic Area (EEA).


Cookie Policy


Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy use standard technology called ‘cookies’ on our website as do many website operators.  Cookies are small pieces of non personal information that are stored by the browser on your computer’s hard drive and they are used to record how you navigate websites on each visit. They help distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site. If you decline to accept cookies you may not be able to take advantage of or participate in certain features of this site. We will not share your data with any outside party not connected to ourselves for the purposes highlighted in this policy, on any of our websites and in any discussion with you. We will continue to protect your personal information we hold about you. Please note that this cookie policy does not cover others outside of our control that link to us or that may be controlled outside of British legislation and or that of The European Economic Area (EEA).



  • Data – information which is being processed by equipment operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose, is recorded with the intention that it should be processed by means of such equipment, is recorded as part of a relevant filing system or with the intention that it should form part of a relevant filing system or forms part of an accessible record.
  • Data Protection Acts 1984 and 1998 as updated by GDPR of 2018 set out principles relating to the use of data to ensure that the rights of the person who is the subject of the data are protected under the law.
  • Personal data – data which relates to a living individual who can be identified from those data, or from those data and other information which is in the possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of, Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors and Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar, Heating & Energy.
  • Privacy policy – this is a statement by Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors and Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk Solar, Heating & Energy which explains the ways that we try to protect our users’ privacy.
  • Third Parties – these are companies and people other than Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors and Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk, Solar Heating & Energy.
  • Users – people who use this website and register their details with Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors and Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk, Solar Heating & Energy for the purposes of commenting about our site, gaining more information and general business use.


If you have any queries about the terms and conditions and information contained on this website page please contact Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors and Furniture, The Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy and G2Techk, Solar Heating & Energy.

©  Gallery Kitchen Design, Interiors & Furniture

©  G2Techk Solar Heating & Energy

©  Kitchen Gallery Design Consultancy


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